Possible reasons for the error of invalid configuration in SafeRDW for KR 60HA Safe Robot

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kiwi wu
文章: 300
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Possible reasons for the error of invalid configuration in SafeRDW for KR 60HA Safe Robot

文章 kiwi wu »

Possible reasons for the error of Invalid configuration in SafeRDW for KR 60HA Safe Robot with one external axis using KR 2ed05 controller

1. $G_COE_CUR[7]=85: Current Regulator may be set too high, A1 to A6 are all set to 15
2. Permissible rated current: $CURR_MON[7]=12.80 may not be enough.
3. Limitation of command speed, axis[n]: $COM_VAL_MI, now set 150% for all axises.
4. Check whether the settings are reasonable for Parameter of Positioning window: $IN_POS_MA[7]=1.5 and positioning time: $TIME_POS[7]=512 (ms)
5. Running DSERDW.EXE on the WINXP desktop (Refer to KRC1 Hardware 6.7.2)
6. Check the interrupt jumper in RDC; 2-3 INT0(DEFAULT)
7. Running DSERDW.EXE on the WINXP desktop (Refer to KRC1 Hardware 7.7.2) and show the RDC table. Position 88 to Position 93 show the RDC configuration data.
8. Check the max. approximation distance of $APO_DIS_PTP[6]=90.0 and $APO_DIS_PTP[7]=500.0 if they are reasonable.
9. Put Semi-comma t in front of [ INT $ACTIVE_AXIS_MASK='B01111111'] And [INT $ACTIVE_KAR_MASK='B01111111'], and see what happened?
10. DECL EX_KIN $EX_KIN={ET1 #NONE,ET2 #NONE,ET3 #NONE,ET4 #NONE,ET5 #NONE,ET6 #NONE}, try to change the red word to “none”.
11. Set Option flag for “Asynchronous axes are possible”: BOOL $ASYNC_OPT=TRUE in \Steu\Mada\$option.dat
12 unplug all connectors and plug again.
Check X11 connection: \
Pin #38(Test output A)- #50(Qualifying input A)
Pin #39(Test output B)- #51(Qualifying input B)
Pin #41 #42 must be jumpered.
13 Check the qualifying input signal (QE) at X10 on CI3 board.
14 Execute BrakeTestStart.src and MasRefStart.src in R1\TP\SafeRobot
15 The unit of E1 monitoring range is incorrect.
16 Rotate E1 to origin and matering again
17 Check X271 jumber
18 Set Monitoring for E1 from “TRUE” To “FALSE
19 Following the Check List in KR C2ed05 SafeRobot