雷刻機 PCB取放料應用/ KUKA CyberTech for PCB Load/UnLoad for Laser Marking Apls.

Sponsored by 圖檔卓智機器人
kiwi wu
文章: 300
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

雷刻機 PCB取放料應用/ KUKA CyberTech for PCB Load/UnLoad for Laser Marking Apls.

文章 kiwi wu »


本案之前由一家國外知名大廠負責機器手臂整合,但由於PCB種類及樣式眾多且複雜,加上來料深度、放置角度、色澤、板厚不固定,紙張和PCB板上下交疊方式不一,問題相當多,因此無法穩定且精準放入Laser Marking機器內作業,該廠最後撤出本案工程,後由鈦昇接洽卓智機器人尋求解決方案,卓智以許多特殊工法、技術及人工智慧方法,克服各種問題,2017.12正式完工投產,並從原本End User 可接受的32秒作業時間(cycle time),提升到18秒,成功建製出一條穩定而高效率的產線。

A. KUKA KR10 CyberTech nano
B. KR C4 compact Controller
C. Gripper
D. CCD image processing
E. Depth detection of tray
F. Laser Marking Machine

機器手臂軟體開發: 卓智機器人
影像處理: 卓智機器人
Depth detection: 卓智機器人
Level: intelligent control
Laser Marking Machine:鈦昇科技股份有限公司

Robot load/unload Cycle Time:18sec,Using Intelligent Control suitable for different types and thickness of PCB.
最後由 kiwi wu 於 2019年 5月 7日, 09:39 編輯,總共編輯了 2 次。
kiwi wu
文章: 300
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: PCB Load/UnLoad for Laser Marking

文章 kiwi wu »

本案先前廠商採用雷射測距方式,感測來料深度,因雷射測距誤差,加上PCB 板厚甚薄,經常造成機器手臂向下取料時,下壓深度不足,造成空夾而無法穩定生產。

kiwi wu
文章: 300
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: 雷刻機 PCB取放料應用/ KUKA CyberTech for PCB Load/UnLoad for Laser Marking Apls.

文章 kiwi wu »

The automatic system for PCB load/unload for laser marking workstation

Customer: TCI


In this workstation the PCB located in cart need to be picked up and put into the Laser Marking machine precisely for laser-marking processing. Since the workstation runs 24/7 for whole year, it takes a lot of manpower to keep it running. Due to the labor shortage, TCI request an automatic system for this workstation.

A famous international company of robotics system integrator was chosen to design this automatic system. However, they fail to finish a stable and efficiency system. After several months of struggling, they withdrew all equipment and stop this project. Wise-Tech Robot was then recommended by KUKA in Taiwan to TCI for this challenge.

Technical Challenges:

1. Since the white paper covered on the PCB is air permeable, the tool of robot, vacuum suction cups, should suck up the white paper only without sticking PCB.

2. The height of PCB and white paper inside the tray carried with the cart by operator must be detected exactly, so robot can put the vacuum suction cups right on the surface of PCB or paper. If there exists a gap between vacuum suction cup and the surface of PCB/white paper, it will likely fail to establish vacuum. On the other hand, if Robot move the suction cup deeper than the PCB or white paper, it will break PCB. As our experience, both sonar and laser range sensor are not suitable for this application.

3. Since those PCB are put into the tray randomly without any alignment as Fig. A-1, Fig. A-2, so the biggest challenge is how to detect the orientation and the displacement of PCB, and then Robot can offset the error and put it into the Laser Marking machine exactly. Besides that, there are more than hundred types of PCB designed for different clients over the world. And TCI request us the automatic system should be capable to deal with all kinds of PCB without asking operator to change program menus.

Fig. A-1

Fig. A-2
最後由 kiwi wu 於 2020年 4月 15日, 11:39 編輯,總共編輯了 3 次。
kiwi wu
文章: 300
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: 雷刻機 PCB取放料應用/ KUKA CyberTech for PCB Load/UnLoad for Laser Marking Apls.

文章 kiwi wu »

4. The system should be capable to deal many unexpected situations and keep the workstation running. Those unexpected situations are:

 There is no white paper covered on PCB
 There are two or more white papers stick together
 When the system couldn’t detect the orientation and displacement of PCB due to the defects of PCB itself.
 When PCB or white paper is dropped from vacuum suction cup while they are moving with robot, the system should be capable of dealing with this situation and keep the workstation running.

5. The system cycle time should be less than 30 seconds without including the processing time of laser marking.


1. Define the customer’s requirements
2. Determine the suitable robot for the system
3. Layout the workstation
4. Design and analysis the vacuum suction cups
5. Using CCD to tell from the difference between PCB and white paper
6. Find the general rule for all different types of PCB so CCD can use pattern recognition to realize the orientation angle and displacement of PCB.
7. Apply Wise-Tech Robot special technique to detect the total height of PCB and white paper inside the tray.
8. Design the best motion path of Robot
9. Simulate the unexpected scenarios and determine the procedures for trouble shooting.
10. Coding for workstation control computer and robot controller respectively
11. Improve the working procedure and the speed of robot to make cycle less than 30 seconds.
12. Test and Verify the system and make sure the stability and reliability

Wise Tech Robot received purchase order on 05/23/17 and completed the system on 10/13/17. And after about two-month tuning and debugging, TCI accept the system on 12/19/2017. The system has performed successfully and stably 24 hrs per day until now. The cycle time is 18 seconds only, which is much less than the original requirement 30 seconds by TCI.
The demonstration of the system is shown as the following video.

kiwi wu
文章: 300
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: 雷刻機 PCB取放料應用/ KUKA CyberTech for PCB Load/UnLoad for Laser Marking Apls.

文章 kiwi wu »

Automated PCB laser marking system
The system use KUKA force-sensing software to detect the depth of PCB inside the cart, and it is suitable for different kinds of PCB with a smart image processing software. The system have been proved as an efficient, accurate and reliable system for PCB laser marking workstation.

KUKA KR10 CyberTech nano, CCD, laser marking machine

1. KUKA force-sensing software
2. Be capable of processing different types of PCB
3. Smart image processing
4. Cycle Time less than 20s
5. Intelligent control for trouble PCB
kiwi wu
文章: 300
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: 雷刻機 PCB取放料應用/ KUKA CyberTech for PCB Load/UnLoad for Laser Marking Apls.

文章 kiwi wu »

系統具備來料到位、來料深度感測、PCB 角度、位移檢測、PCB與白紙辨識能力,能穩定、精確、快速取放PCB及白紙,讓PCB雷射加工站,全面自動化作業。

KUKA KR10 CyberTech nano、夾具模組、CCD及影像處理、雷射雕刻機

1. 具PCB來料深度力覺感知能力
2. 具備PCB及白紙辨識能力
3. 具備影像智慧辨識能力,可辨識各種形式PCB
4. 每張PCB平均Cycle Time 在20秒以下
5. 具備PCB辨識NG處理能力