KUKA KR6 機器手臂微小開關電測、噴印自動化/ Mini-switch electrical testing and printing apls.

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kiwi wu
文章: 298
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

KUKA KR6 機器手臂微小開關電測、噴印自動化/ Mini-switch electrical testing and printing apls.

文章 kiwi wu »


2018.11月初 我們很榮幸的第一次進到加工出口區,為一家國際知名企業規劃執行微電子開關的電測、噴印自動化作業,據知,這是最近從英國手上爭取到台灣生產的一條新產線。

這個工程是要利用機器手臂,將微小開關(以下或稱為工件)放到電測平台,然後手臂負責撥動開關,經過檢測後,再拿到噴印平台,手臂要負責產線流程管控、周邊設備整合及命令下達、微小開關撥動、 工件取放(Pick and place) 等工作。







機器手臂:KUKA KR 6 R900
控制器: KR C4
系統整合:卓智機器人Wise Tech Robot
Level: intelligent control
最後由 kiwi wu 於 2019年 5月 7日, 09:41 編輯,總共編輯了 2 次。
kiwi wu
文章: 298
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: 微小開關電測、噴印自動化

文章 kiwi wu »


2018.12.07 作業6pin開關,包含機器手臂集合架抽屜內自動取料,連續成功作業4小時未中斷,通過測試!

系統整合:卓智機器人Wise Tech Robot
最後由 kiwi wu 於 2018年 12月 28日, 19:43 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
kiwi wu
文章: 298
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: 微小開關電測、噴印自動化

文章 kiwi wu »

2018.12.22 更新影片



系統整合:卓智機器人Wise Tech Robot
kiwi wu
文章: 298
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: 微小開關電測、噴印自動化

文章 kiwi wu »


經過許多機器手臂的動作優化處理,2019.03.08 現場實測2個Tray盤,總共95X2個自Tray盤放到電測平台的工件,放置失敗NG數量為0,系統已經克服原本因為工件公差、Tray盤凹槽公差、人工排放誤差等等因素,而造成工件無法正確放到電測平台內的凹槽問題,大幅降低NG數量,而且手臂速度更可以放到75%的高速運動,大幅提升產能,系統還加入許多狀況排除AI人工智慧,如電測平台異常狀況排除、噴印平台異常狀況排除,讓產線能持續穩定投產而不中斷,達到24小時無人作業的境界,這樣的系統,雖不敢堪稱世界第一,但已經是一流水準!

A. 人工智慧自動排除狀況,維持穩定投產
B. 可精準處理極微小開關取放、撥切開關、電測、噴印、品管作業
C. 一隻手臂同時具備3個夾爪、3個撥針及1個工件水平校正平面,集7個功能的工具於手臂一身,不需換刀作業
D. 作業速度快速、精準、穩定
E. 可供3種工件生產,僅需換電測蓋板、選定量測範圍、噴印滑台、設定噴印及CCD 檢測,20分鐘內快速換線,非常彈性
F. 不額外使用外加 PC中控系統,手臂從集合架取TRAY盤、作業工件、完成空Tray盤堆疊均由手臂控制系統完成獨立操控
G. 中控程式採智慧型動態程序控制,而非傳統固定工序、固定流程控制,大幅增加作業時突發狀況時的工序應對應變能力
H. 手臂同時整合Tray盤定位系統、微歐姆量測儀器、噴印滑台、CCD、CCD檢測後機構動作,運作流暢

ps. 2019.03.13 最高紀錄夜間無人連續作業12盤,最後停機原因為CCD檢測噴印字體,連續3顆判定不合格(代表噴印機噴頭需做清潔維護)!

Simulation: WT RobotSim
機器手臂:KUKA KR 6 R900
控制器: KR C4
系統整合:卓智機器人Wise Tech Robot
Level: intelligent control
最後由 kiwi wu 於 2020年 4月 17日, 16:25 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
kiwi wu
文章: 298
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: KUKA KR6 機器手臂微小開關電測、噴印自動化/ Mini-switch electrical testing and printing apls.

文章 kiwi wu »

2020.01有機會再次回訪ITW ,以了解我們嫁出去的女兒的近況,以下是1月份的某幾天,女兒在公婆家努力工作的紀錄!


kiwi wu
文章: 298
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: KUKA KR6 機器手臂微小開關電測、噴印自動化/ Mini-switch electrical testing and printing apls.

文章 kiwi wu »

A full automated mini-switch electrical testing and printing system

Customer: Illinois Tool Works Inc, EBA


In this workstation the mini switches inside the tray shown as Fig. C-1 need to be picked and rotated up-side-down to put into the test platforms, and then the mini switch is switched ON and then OFF by robot to check its resistance. If the resistance is satisfied the required specification, robot will move the switch from test platform into the sliding platform for printing.

Since the assembling line produced near millions of the switches each year for ITW’s customer, most of them are auto maker, ITW must guarantee quality of each switch. Originally, ITW use manpower to finish this inspection job. In order to avoid the risk due to the human error rising from fatigue, ITW urgently request an automatic system for this workstation.

Fig. C-1
kiwi wu
文章: 298
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: KUKA KR6 機器手臂微小開關電測、噴印自動化/ Mini-switch electrical testing and printing apls.

文章 kiwi wu »

Technical Challenges:

1. Robot should have needle-like tool to turn on or turn off the switch precisely.
2. Robot should load the tray from drawer as Fig. C-2 and unload it on the working table.
3. The system has to deal with three difference type of mini switch. They are 2-pin、4pin and 6-pin mini switch.
4. There are several factors that may result in the failure for robot to insert the pin of switch into the pin hole of the electric test platform. For example, few of switch size is larger than design tolerance, and the pin angle of the switch is not exactly vertical.
5. If the failure mentioned above happened, robot should stop and retry with different angle. Otherwise, it will break the witch pin.
6. The cycle time for each switch should be less than 40 seconds.
7. The system should be capable to deal many unexpected situations and keep the workstation running. Those unexpected situations are:
 The tray is not full of mini switch.
 The pins of switch are hard to insert into the pin hole of the electric test platform.
 The switch is hard to put into the hole of slider.
 There are switches left on test platform

Fig. C-2
kiwi wu
文章: 298
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: KUKA KR6 機器手臂微小開關電測、噴印自動化/ Mini-switch electrical testing and printing apls.

文章 kiwi wu »

1. Define the customer’s requirements
2. Design gripper A to grap tray from drawer.
3. Design gripper B to pick mini switch from tray.
4. Design gripper C to pick mimi switch from electric test platform and place into the slider for printing.
5. Design the needle-like pin to switch on and switch off mini switch.
6. All the tool mentioned above should install on the flange of the robot and can be shared for three types of mini switch. It is a multiple function tool and it can save a lot of time for tool change.
7. Use pneumatic cylinder to align and fix the tray on the working table.
8. Use Robot controller to control all the equipment of the workstation, including slider, Micro Ohmmeter, Slider, CCD and several pneumatic cylinder.

Wise-Tech Robot received purchase order on 07/12/18 and completed the system on 11/19/18. And after about three-month tuning and debugging, ITW accept the system on 03/05/2019. The system has performed successfully and stably. It runs 24 hrs per day until now. The average output is 2600 pieces per day and the average cycle time is 33.2 seconds only, which is less than 40 seconds required by ITW.

The demonstration of the system is shown as follows:
kiwi wu
文章: 298
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: KUKA KR6 機器手臂微小開關電測、噴印自動化/ Mini-switch electrical testing and printing apls.

文章 kiwi wu »

Automated mini-switch inspection system
The system provide a reliable inspection system for auto mini-switch, where zero miss is guaranteed and the false alarm rate is just about 1.3%. The system has been verified and proved by Illinoise Tool Works in Taiwan as an accurate, effecient, stable system.


KUKA KR6 R900, Gripper, Feeding layer, Resistance meter, Slider, Printer, CCD

1. Available for 2-pin、4-pin、6-pin mini-switch
2. Cycle Time< 35s
3. False Alarm rate: 1.3%
4. Miss rate: 0.0%
5. Pick and place failure: 0.53%
kiwi wu
文章: 298
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: KUKA KR6 機器手臂微小開關電測、噴印自動化/ Mini-switch electrical testing and printing apls.

文章 kiwi wu »


KUKA KR6 R900、集合架、電測量測設備、噴印滑台、噴印機、CCD

1. 適用於2-pin、4-pin、6-pin微小電子開關
2. 每顆工件作業時間平均35秒以下
3. 檢測誤報率(False Alarm)1.3%
4. 遺漏檢測率(Miss) 0.0%
5. 夾料NG率 0.53%