KUKA 手臂每年保養項目/ KUKA Robot Maintenance Content

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kiwi wu
文章: 298
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

KUKA 手臂每年保養項目/ KUKA Robot Maintenance Content

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2018 KUKA Agilus robot Maintenance Content/ KUKA Agilus手臂保養項目:

A. Basic inspection/基本檢測, yearly
B. Data Back-up/資料備份, yearly
C. Minor Electrical maintenance/初級電器維護, 每2年/ every 2 years
D. Major Electrical maintenance/高級電器維護, 每5年/ every 5 years

A. Basic Inspection/基本檢測
  1. 1. Evaluation degree of fouling/評估機器手臂污損程度
  • 2. General visual inspection to check that connections are undamaged and fitted securely/ 電器接口檢查
  • 3. Checking of running noises/動態噪音偵測
  • 4. Checking of grounding concept/接地檢測
  • 5. Visual inspection of the radial fans/風扇運作檢測
  • 6. Storage of user programs/程式備份
  • 7. Checking the emergency stop at the robot system/機器手臂急停裝置檢查
  • 8. Checking of joint mastering/機器手臂零點校正
  • 9. Condition and tension check of the toothed belts/ 皮帶張力檢測
  • 10. Exchange of the toothed belt of axis 5 and axis 6/ 更換A5, A6 皮帶
  • 11. Fixing of the maintenance sticker and documentation of the works on the servicing check list/ 填寫原廠保養工作單並貼上保養年份貼紙
B. 2018 Data Back-up with spare SSD/資料備份
  1. 1. Creation of a hard drive image/建立備份
  • 2. Mirroring of the hard drive inclusive archiving/硬碟整體備份
  • 3. Installation and functional test of the hard drive/ 硬碟讀寫功能測試
  • 4. Labeling of the hard drive and handover to customer/ 標註硬碟儲存內容
C. Minor electrical maintenance KRC4 compact/初級電器維護 KRC4 compact
  1. 1. Visual inspection of cabinet/控制箱檢測
  • 2. Cabinet cleaning as needed/控制箱清潔(視實際情況)
  • 3. Battery exchange/ 更換電池
D. Major electrical maintenance KRC4 compact/高級電器維護 KRC4 compact
  1. 1. Visual inspection of cabinet/控制箱檢測
  • 2. Exchange of the PC radial fans/更換 PC風扇
  • 3. Exchange of the cabinet radial fans/更換控制箱風扇
  • 4. Exchange of the mainboard Battery/ 更換主機板電池
kiwi wu
文章: 298
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: KUKA Robot Maintenance Content/ KUKA 手臂保養項目

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KUKA non-Agilus robot Maintenance Table/ KUKA 非 Agilus手臂保養週期

A. Basic inspection/基本檢測, yearly
B. Data Back-up/資料備份, yearly
C. Wrist maintenance/手腕軸保養, 每10,000小時或2年/ every 10,000 hrs or every 2 years
D. Main axis maintenance/主軸保養, 每20,000小時或4年/ every 20,000 hrs or every 4 years
E. Minor Electrical maintenance/初級電器維護, 每2年/ every 2 years
F. Major Electrical maintenance/高級電器維護, 每5年/ every 5 years
kiwi wu
文章: 298
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: KUKA Robot Maintenance Content/ KUKA 手臂保養項目

文章 kiwi wu »

2019 KUKA non-Agilus robot Maintenance Content/ KUKA 非Agilus手臂保養項目

A. Basic Inspection(1)/基本檢測 (1)
1. Storage of user programs(USB provided by customer)/程式備份(USB由客戶提供)
2. Inspection of running noises/各軸雜訊檢查
3. Checking of joint mastering/機器手臂原點校正
4. Condition check of hose packs, cable tracks and electrical installations/檢查外部管線、線纜以及其他電器裝置
5. Inspection of the counterbalancing system/檢查平衡缸系統
6. Condition and tension check of the toothed belts(if necessary exchange, depending on the type of robot)/ 皮帶張力檢測(依實際檢查情況更換皮帶)
7. Visual inspection for leaks and damages of all gear units/檢查齒輪箱是否漏油與損壞情形
8. General visual inspection to check that connections are undamaged and fitted securely/ 電器接口檢查
9. Checking the emergency stop at the robot system/機器手臂急停裝置檢查
10. Check of the battery voltage/ power supply unit voltage/檢查蓄電池電壓及供電電壓
11. Inspection of cabinet temperature and radial fans/檢查控制箱溫度及風扇
12. Exchange of the cabinet filter (KRC2)/更換控制箱濾網(KRC2)
13. Fixing of the maintenance sticker and documentation of the works on the maintenance records in the cabinets/ 填寫原廠保養工作單並貼上保養年份貼紙
kiwi wu
文章: 298
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: KUKA Robot Maintenance Content/ KUKA 手臂保養項目

文章 kiwi wu »

2019 KUKA non-Agilus robot Maintenance Content/ KUKA 非Agilus手臂保養項目

B. Data Back-up with spare SSD/資料備份
1. Creation of back-up image/建立備份
2. Labeling of the storage medium and handover to customer/ 標註硬碟儲存內容
kiwi wu
文章: 298
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: KUKA Robot Maintenance Content/ KUKA 手臂保養項目

文章 kiwi wu »

2019 KUKA non-Agilus robot Maintenance Content/ KUKA 非Agilus手臂保養項目

C. Wrist maintenance/手腕軸保養
1. Oil exchange of the wrist axis gear units(depending on the robot type)/ 更換手腕軸齒輪油(依據手臂不同型號更換齒輪油)
2. Exchange of the toothed belt(depending on the robot type)/ 更換齒形皮帶(依據不同手臂型式更換)
kiwi wu
文章: 298
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: KUKA Robot Maintenance Content/ KUKA 手臂保養項目

文章 kiwi wu »

2019 KUKA non-Agilus robot Maintenance Content/ KUKA 非Agilus手臂保養項目

D. 2019 Main axis maintenance/主軸保養
1. Oil exchange of main axis gear units(depending on the robot type)/ 更換手臂主軸齒輪油(依據手臂不同型號更換齒輪油)
2. Inspection of the motor and gear shaft axis 1 to 3/ 檢查A1˜A3馬達及傳動軸(與客戶討論是否施行)
kiwi wu
文章: 298
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: KUKA Robot Maintenance Content/ KUKA 手臂保養項目

文章 kiwi wu »

2019 KUKA non-Agilus robot Maintenance Content/ KUKA 非Agilus手臂保養項目

E. 2019 Minor electrical maintenance KRC4/初級電器維護 KRC4
1. Clean heat exchanger(in the cleanroom, this item will depend on actual environment conditions) /清潔熱交換器(無塵室場合需視現場狀況而定)
2. Cleaning cooling elements of drive components(in the cleanroom, this item will depend on actual environment conditions) /清潔驅動冷卻元件(無塵室場合需視現場狀況而定)
3. Cleaning external fan(in the cleanroom, this item will depend on actual environment conditions)/清潔外部風扇(無塵室場合需視現場狀況而定)
kiwi wu
文章: 298
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: KUKA Robot Maintenance Content/ KUKA 手臂保養項目

文章 kiwi wu »

2019 KUKA non-Agilus robot Maintenance Content/ KUKA 非Agilus手臂保養項目

F. Major electrical maintenance KRC4/高級電器維護 KRC4
1. Battery exchange/更換蓄電池
2. Exchange of the PC radial fans/更換 PC風扇
3. Exchange of the cabinet radial fans(incl. cleaning)/更換控制箱風扇
4. Exchange of the mainboard Battery/ 更換主機板電池
5. Exchange of the externa radial fans/更換外部風扇
文章: 1
註冊時間: 2019年 8月 7日, 20:20

Re: KUKA 手臂每年保養項目/ KUKA Robot Maintenance Content

文章 Nash »

How about the price for each item for KR10?