KUKA 1 部機器手臂負責操做 2部CNC加工/ Pick and Place apls. for CNC

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kiwi wu
文章: 299
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

KUKA 1 部機器手臂負責操做 2部CNC加工/ Pick and Place apls. for CNC

文章 kiwi wu »



今年這家廠商又引進一台機器手臂,用一台機器手臂負責 2台CNC上下料加工,2018.06.05開工,2018.07.05正式投產,每天24小時作業,產能大增,還曾經數度做到無料可做,而讓產線休息。


整合設備: CNC、震動桶
機器手臂: KUKA KR 20-3
控制器: KR C4
系統整合: 卓智機器人Wise Tech Robot
Level: intelligent control
最後由 kiwi wu 於 2019年 6月 24日, 12:06 編輯,總共編輯了 4 次。
kiwi wu
文章: 299
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: 1 部機器手臂負責 操作 2部CNC加工

文章 kiwi wu »

依據2018.09.12 最新作業資料,該日工作站內CNC單機連續作業(全站不停機下),總計完成 443支工件、NG 2支、總作業時間10小時55分鐘,打破今年7月投產以來的最高連續作業紀錄。

顯示該自動化整合系統,在取放的速度、角度、扭力...等參數的 tuning上,已漸趨完美,產線穩定度越來越高,相信再幾天,這個工作站很快能達到只有CNC換刀時,才會有停機的狀況!


kiwi wu
文章: 299
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: 1 部機器手臂負責操做 2部CNC加工

文章 kiwi wu »

依據2018.10.16 最新通報,手臂CNC取放單一機台,已可以連續作業500支不間斷,達到CNC 換刀設定的最大工件數(500支)後停機。

單機 Cycle Time for 6mm work-piece: 90 sec, including CNC processing time ~63 sec.
Robot Cycle Time: ~27 sec.
kiwi wu
文章: 299
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: 1 部機器手臂負責操做 2部CNC加工

文章 kiwi wu »


kiwi wu
文章: 299
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: 1 部機器手臂負責操做 2部CNC加工

文章 kiwi wu »

本案截自2018.11.15為止,該公司因應市場訂單需求,靈活更換投產工件,已經成功且穩定的大量生產6mm、5mm及 T25 三種不同型態工件,大幅提升市場的應變能力,在激烈的國際競爭下,取得世界大廠的信任與大訂單。


Simulation: WT RobotSim
kiwi wu
文章: 299
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: KUKA 1 部機器手臂負責操做 2部CNC加工/ Pick and Place apls. for CNC

文章 kiwi wu »

kiwi wu
文章: 299
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: KUKA 1 部機器手臂負責操做 2部CNC加工/ Pick and Place apls. for CNC

文章 kiwi wu »

The automatic CNC tool machining system

Customer: StarWinn


In this workstation the workpiece in the vibration feeder as Fig. D-1 need to be picked up and put into CNC for machining.

Since the workstation with two CNC machines runs 24/7 for whole year, it takes a lot of manpower to keep it running. Due to the labor shortage, StarWinn requests an automatic system for this workstation.

Fig D-1
kiwi wu
文章: 299
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: KUKA 1 部機器手臂負責操做 2部CNC加工/ Pick and Place apls. for CNC

文章 kiwi wu »

Technical Challenges:

1. Robot should serve two CNC machines.
2. If workpiece has problem to be inserted to CNC collet chuck, robot should stop and retry with different angle, otherwise CNC collet chuck will be broken.
3. If workpiece has problem to be pulled out of CNC collect chuck, robot should stop and retry with different angle, otherwise CNC collect chuck will be broken.
4. If workpiece is stuck in vibration feeder, robot should rule out the error.
5. Robot communicates with two CNC machines through IO.
6. Use Robot controller to control vibration feeder and CNC.
6. The system cycle time should be less than 50 seconds without including the processing time of CNC machine.
8. The system should be capable to deal many unexpected situations and keep the workstation running. Those unexpected situations are:
 The workpiece is stuck in vibration feeder.
 The workpiece is stuck when it is inserting into CNC collet chuck.
 The workpiece is stuck when it is pulling out of CNC collet chuck.
kiwi wu
文章: 299
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: KUKA 1 部機器手臂負責操做 2部CNC加工/ Pick and Place apls. for CNC

文章 kiwi wu »


1. Define the customer’s requirements.
2. Determine the suitable robot for the system.
3. Layout the workstation.
4. Design the gripper with electromagnet to rule out the stuck piece inside the vibration feeder.
5. Apply Wise-Tech Robot special technique to detect the abnormal force when the workpiece is stuck in CNC collet chuck.
6. Design the best motion path of Robot.
7. Simulate the unexpected scenarios and determine the procedures for trouble shooting.
8. Improve the working procedure and the speed of robot to make cycle less than 50 seconds for finishing a workpiece without including CNC processing time.
9. Test and Verify the system and make sure the stability and reliability

Wise-Tech Robot received purchase order on 03/06/18 and completed the system on 07/04/18. After about one-month tuning and debugging, StarWinn accept the system on 08/03/2017. The system has performed successfully and stably. It runs 24 hrs every day until now. The cycle time is 43 seconds only, which is less than 50 seconds required by StarWinn.

kiwi wu
文章: 299
註冊時間: 2016年 2月 4日, 13:05

Re: KUKA 1 部機器手臂負責操做 2部CNC加工/ Pick and Place apls. for CNC

文章 kiwi wu »


KUKA KR20-3、CNC、夾治具、震動桶

1. 機器手臂取放工件作業時間27秒以下
2. IO 通訊控制CNC、震動桶
3. 具震動桶卡料自動排除功能
4. CNC啟動、開關門、復歸動作檢測