有 278 筆資料符合您搜尋的條件

kiwi wu
2020年 6月 5日, 10:38
版面: KUKA
主題: KUKA 手沖咖啡/ KUKA Robotic pour-over coffee
回覆: 9
觀看: 18028

Re: KUKA 手沖咖啡/ KUKA Robotic pour-over coffee

Pour-over coffee robot software Pour-over coffee robot software can duplicate the technique from any master of pour-over coffee, where the pouring parameters such as pouring path, pouring angle, pouring force, water flow rate, halt time and total brewed time, they are all guaranteed to be exactly th...
kiwi wu
2020年 6月 4日, 17:49
版面: KUKA
主題: KUKA 與極樂淨土/ KUKA and Japanese dancing girl
回覆: 3
觀看: 5455

Re: KUKA 與極樂淨土/ KUKA and Japanese dancing girl

Robot screen-show software
Robot screen-show software integrated the video content with various robot motions to surprise audience with brand new watching experience.

Support for Windows 7 or newer
Support for KUKA KSS 8.2 or newer
kiwi wu
2020年 6月 4日, 16:15
版面: KUKA
主題: KUKA 橡膠、皮件雕刻/ Leather Carving
回覆: 4
觀看: 5593

Re: KUKA 橡膠、皮件雕刻/ Leather Carving

Packing ring and Leather Carving software for Robot Importing the .JPEG file to this software, it will go through the image processing and create motion program for robot to produce O-ring Packing with different kinds of shapes and materials for industrial application. It also can be used for leathe...
kiwi wu
2020年 6月 4日, 16:09
版面: 機器人視覺技術/ Robotic Vision Tech
主題: 普通相機判斷2D散亂塑膠瓶/ Robot pick up random plastic bottle a usual camera
回覆: 7
觀看: 7456

Re: 普通相機判斷2D散亂物體/ Robot pick up randomly placed objects with a usual camera

Before using robot to pick up those randomly placed objects on a surface plan, we need to feature the position and orientation for each object. Here, the surface area for image processing can be up to 360*240 mm2 for CCD with 5 megapixel, and the recognized workpieces can be arranged in numerical or...
kiwi wu
2020年 6月 4日, 16:08
版面: KUKA
主題: 3D曲面光學量測AOI系統
回覆: 1
觀看: 6430


3D曲面光學量測AOI系統 http://www.wtech.com.tw/forum/kuka/3d_curve_AOI/卓智3D曲面光學量測.png 玻璃光學AOI自動量測軟體 適用於3D曲面光學量測,如量測3D曲面玻璃的折射、反射係數、膜厚等光學參數。量測時搭配2隻機器手臂作同步動作、進行量測,機器手臂的運動路徑,均由軟體依據曲面幾何形狀及使用者預先點選之量測位置,經計算後自動生成,不必具備機器手臂程式撰寫能力,也能輕鬆上手完成3D光學曲面自動量測。 Robotic software for measuring optical properties of 3D curved glass:...
kiwi wu
2020年 6月 2日, 10:59
版面: 機器人視覺技術/ Robotic Vision Tech
主題: 普通相機判斷2D散亂塑膠瓶/ Robot pick up random plastic bottle a usual camera
回覆: 7
觀看: 7456

Re: 普通相機判斷2D散亂物體/ Robot pick up randomly placed objects with a usual camera

http://www.wtech.com.tw/forum/kuka/2d_visual/2D_Obj_searching_C.png The recognized workpieces were arranged in numerical order by the rotation angle. 卓智影像軟體系統依照旋轉角度進行工件順序編號處理。 系統架構: A. KUKA KR3 B. KR C4 Compact Controller C. NoteBook D. KUKA EKI E. A usual Camera with USB interface F. Image process...
kiwi wu
2020年 6月 2日, 10:57
版面: 機器人視覺技術/ Robotic Vision Tech
主題: 普通相機判斷2D散亂塑膠瓶/ Robot pick up random plastic bottle a usual camera
回覆: 7
觀看: 7456

Re: 普通相機判斷2D散亂物體/ Robot pick up randomly placed objects with a usual camera

http://www.wtech.com.tw/forum/kuka/2d_visual/2D_Obj_searching_C.png The recognized workpieces were arranged in numerical order by the distance. 卓智影像軟體系統依照距離進行工件順序編號處理。 系統架構: A. KUKA KR3 B. KR C4 Compact Controller C. NoteBook D. KUKA EKI E. A usual Camera with USB interface F. Image processing soft...
kiwi wu
2020年 5月 23日, 14:47
版面: KUKA
主題: 普通相機判斷2D散亂塑膠瓶/ Robot pick up random plastic bottle with a usual camera
回覆: 4
觀看: 8190

Re: 普通相機判斷2D散亂物體/ Robot pick up randomly placed objects with a usual camera

http://www.wtech.com.tw/forum/kuka/2d_visual/2D_Obj_searching_C.png Here we show the work pieces can be recognized as much as possible at the same time by the Wise-Tech image-processing system. Meanwhile, the recognized workpieces can be arranged in numerical order by the distance, orientation, or ...
kiwi wu
2020年 5月 23日, 11:37
版面: 機器人視覺技術/ Robotic Vision Tech
主題: 普通相機判斷2D散亂塑膠瓶/ Robot pick up random plastic bottle a usual camera
回覆: 7
觀看: 7456

Re: 普通相機判斷2D散亂物體/ Robot pick up randomly placed objects with a usual camera

http://www.wtech.com.tw/forum/kuka/2d_visual/2D_Obj_searching_C.png Here we show the work pieces can be recognized as much as possible at the same time by the Wise-Tech image-processing system. Meanwhile, the recognized workpieces can be arranged in numerical order by the distance, orientation, or ...
kiwi wu
2020年 5月 21日, 13:47
版面: KUKA
主題: LED 基板水下取放作業/ under-water operation for LED board
回覆: 0
觀看: 8468

LED 基板水下取放作業/ under-water operation for LED board

http://www.wtech.com.tw/forum/kuka/under_water_operation/under_water_operator.png LED 基板水下取放作業/ under-water operation for LED board 這是LED的基板,在前一個工作站裡,是由人工從水中取出工件,整批堆疊起來後,再由人工一個一個的放到隧道爐做熱烘乾,此自動化系統展示卓智所控制的 KUKA 機器手臂能在水槽內輕鬆作業,將原本貼合一起的LED 基版,一片片分離取出,而且能夠隨工件所處的任何深度(工件水下深度不固定),導引機器手臂到適當水下深度、建立真空後,成功吸取工件離...